Sunday, April 13, 2008

2nd Day in OMAN

13 April '08 - 11:30 p.m. (Oman)

it was my second day in this beautiful country.. some pictures that i upoloaded here are places called 'wadi' (water bed).. it looks like a river but with no water.. it is dry.. it is only used only when it rains.. that seldom happens here.. huhu.. it is natural.. when it rains.. the water will fill up the 'wadi'.. it will become like a river.. maybe once in a year.. or once in a month.. or once a week.. it depends.. depends when there will be clouds.. huhu..

there is also a lot of place called 'falaj'.. falaj is a place where you will find water from the earth.. this is a source of water.. for some places in oman.. falaj will never get dry..

now in NIZWA.. there is a water crisis.. so people will get their water from 'falaj'.. another interesting phenomena is that, people in OMAN will have a lot of rest in a day.. you will see shops open at 9 or 10 a.m. until 12 or 1 o'clock. only after 4 p.m. or maybe 5 p.m. they will resume working until 8 o'clock.. sometimes, it will depend on the shopowner to work according to his comfort.. huhu.. another interesting phenomena is that people in OMAN loves to 'lepak' or 'gebang' in group of min of 2.. they will talk and talk and 'lepak' by the road side.. you can see cars parking beside the road and you'll see a few people in the dark having their sweet time talking or play cards.. not gambling..

till now.. chiow.. see you 2morrow..

p/s: these pictures were taken from a village not far from our place.. it was build many years ago.. it was a village but there is no one living there anymore.. ancient town.. with its own history..

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